October 4, 2011
MyKad for my food needs

(The Star, 697Kb, PDF)

September 1, 2011
Making a Real Difference

(Malaysian Business, 248Kb, PDF)

August 13, 2011
GLC joins food air programme

(Star Metro, 202Kb, PDF)

August 10, 2011
Kepentingan ramai diambil kira

(Utusan Malaysia Online)

July 26, 2011
Murphy Sarawak sponsors 100 families under MyKasih programme.

(The Star, 182Kb, PDF)

Murphy helps make life easier for poor families.

(NST, 235Kb, PDF)

More partners sought to help the less fortunate.

(The Borneo Post, 216Kb, PDF)

Sin Chew Daily

(443Kb, PDF)

April 20, 2011
A City full of love for the needy

(New Straits Times, 333Kb, PDF)

April 19, 2011
AmBank-MyKasih Community Programme.

(The Sun, 186Kb, PDF)

April 14, 2011
AmBank Group Launches New Branch in Sandakan and AmBank-MyKasih Community Programme

(Press Release, 86Kb, Word)

April 12, 2011
Sandakan poised to become business hub

(The Borneo Post, 567Kb, PDF)

RM 100, 000 for MyKasih programme

(New Straits Times, 385Kb, PDF)

April 7, 2011
96 keluarga miskin terima bantuan

(Berita Harian, 277Kb, PDF)

Food aid where needed

(The Malay Mail, 233Kb, PDF)

Selia Group sumbang RM100,000 kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah

(Utusan Malaysia, 259Kb, PDF)

April 6, 2011
MyKasih Foundation launched two locations – 96 low income families benefit

(Sin Chew, 426Kb, PDF)

Two MyKasih children recieve Higher Education Scholarship from SELIA Group

(Harian Tamil Malaysia Nanban, 695Kb, PDF)

MyKasih bantu 7,000 keluarga

(Harian Metro, 297Kb, PDF)

March 13, 2011
Great Response

(StarGolf, 296Kb, PDF)